Thursday, August 18, 2011

Travel Log 2011: Chautauqua, Part I

There are many places in this world that I love - Cleveland and Chicago being the obvious ones - but there is no place that I love more than Chautauqua, New York. I spent my summers here as a child boating, listening to lectures and orchestras, going to ballets and operas, and attending the oldest day camp in the nation, the Chautauqua Boys and Girls Club on the grounds of The Chautauqua Institution. If you know nothing about The Chautauqua Institution, I highly recommend you do a little research and visit! It is an incredible environment - and one that would take me a least a book or a documentary to explain. Suffice to say (for now) that it's a special place historically and culturally...and personally, of course. My oldest friendships are a result of my summers in Chautauqua; some of the best moments of my life happened here; and my love and appreciation for the arts, education, and nature are rooted in my experiences here. Simply put, I am fortunate to have, and grateful for, Chautauqua.

I managed to get to the lake twice this summer.  Below are some photos from the first trip. There will be many more to come...

Bestor Plaza, The Chautauqua Institution 

Bestor Plaza, Chautauqua Institution 

The blue heron who lives in our yard. 

The greatest subs on the planet - Olde Corner Deli in Hartfield.

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