Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pure Michigan

Last June, a few of my friends rented a house in New Buffalo, Michigan for the weekend of my 30th birthday. We had so much fun, we decided to make it an annual vacation. We began the weekend in Three Oaks, Michigan at the fantastic Journeyman Distillery. From there, we ventured to our rental house and spent the rest of the weekend in and out of the lake. Looking through the photos makes me wish I was back there! Until next year, New Buffalo...

Three Oaks, MI

Journeyman Distillery - I definitely recommend popping in for one of their delicious cocktails. Organic liquors made in a beautifully refurbished factory from the 1800s.

The upstairs of the Journeyman

Our gorgeous view for the weekend. 

A few members of our urban tribe enjoying Lake Michigan. 

This is Jay. He is awesome.

This is Jillian's reflection. She - and her reflection - are awesome too.

While taking a dip in the water, we suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a hail storm. 

The calm after the storm.

And how could I go to Michigan without my Browns flag? 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Radiohead and Caribou

Radiohead is and will always be one of my favorite bands. I cannot even describe how much I love them and how much I respect their brilliant musicianship. That is why I nearly fainted when my fiancé  (hooray!!) scored incredible tickets to their show with Caribou at the First Midwest Bank Ampitheatre. I've seen Radiohead numerous times, but to see them this close was something I'll never forget. As usual, they were incredible. Their sets over the years have always been beautiful but this one was my favorite, and I personally think that they've never sounded better in concert. Also, I must give a shout out to Caribou - if you like electro/psychedelic music than I highly recommend you check out his music, especially Swim. This is the second time I've seen Caribou (a.k.a. Dan Snaith) and his touring band live and they don't disappoint. 

Dan Snaith (Caribou)

Songwriters, composers, multi-instrumentalists, and geniuses Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood.

Another musical genius, guitarist (and multi-instrumentalist) Ed O'Brien 

Jonny Greenwood 

Bassist Colin Greenwood and new touring drummer, Clive Deamer (who you might recognize from another amazing band: Portishead). Musical geniuses? Yup.

Ed and Thom

Radiohead is always as visually beautiful as they are sonically.

Colin, Thom, and Clive

I didn't get a great close up shot, but drummer Phil Selway is second to the left. Yes, he's a genius too.

I love you Thom.

I love you Jonny.

I love you Ed. 

Thank you, fellas. One of the greatest bands of all times.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Memorial Day weekend in Cleveland

Since I was in Cleveland for the Mount St. Vincent Open House, I decided to stay for a few extra days and enjoy Memorial Day at home for the first time in many years. As usual, I had a great time in Cleveland: I spent a day bouncing around town with my Mom for her birthday, I went to an awesome Indians game (they won of course), and I was in the University Heights Memorial Day parade! My Aunt and Uncle own a great Irish pub in University Heights - O'Rielly's - and I highly recommend you stop in for a pint if you're ever in the neighborhood. Every year, they rent a trolley and are in the Memorial Day parade. As I mentioned before, it's been a lot of years since I've been home to participate in the parade with them, so I was really excited to be part of it again this year. 

During our day around town, my Mom and I grabbed lunch at Fat Cats in Tremont and then admired the city skyline. 

After lunch, we went to the Cleveland Aquarium and made some new friends. 

There's my Mom, the birthday girl. Isn't she cute?

Here we are in the trolley cruising through the parade! That's my Aunt Bridget in front of me. 

The kids were prepared and ready to catch candy.

The bagpipers are always the best part of the parade.

 How sweet.

One awesomely patriotic home!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mount St. Joseph Rehab Center Open House

Back in May, I traveled to Cleveland to photograph the inaugural Open House for the new Mount St. Joseph Rehab Center building. After two years of construction, their new home in Euclid is now completed. Moreover, the facility is stunning. The Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Mark founded the nursing home in 1942 and continue to run it. Their dream of improving the quality of life for their short and long-term patients has become a reality: Mount St. Joseph is now not just a nursing home, but a state-of-the-art rehab facility. Below are just a few of the photos I took at the Open House. Congratulations to all of those involved in the rebuilding process and may the Sisters and staff continue to bring exceptional care to their residents for years to come!

All of the Sisters who have been a part of Mount St. Joseph throughout the years are commemorated in this beautiful fountain sculpture by the entrance.

The facility is massive, beautiful, and functional.

There are various outdoor areas for residents to enjoy. 

The chapel.

The hair salon is fantastic - and decorated with photos of iconic movie stars.

The crowd mingled before the blessing ceremony in the chapel. 

Mayor of Euclid, Bill Cervenik, gave opening remarks.

Bishop of Cleveland, Anthony Edward Pevec, offered his blessing and congratulations.

Bishop Pevec is on the right. I've know him since I was in 8th grade. He's a wonderful man.

 The reception in the recreation room was lovely.

There was plenty of delicious food.

The music was soothing.